Experimental Approaches to Drawing

Current Exhibition: Draw and Effect, University School of Nashville, 2025

Draw and Effect is a new body of work featuring different approaches to drawing and painting. The title of the exhibition hints at the methods of mark making that Angus Galloway began exploring following a move to Nashville and a fresh start at Vanderbilt University. The opportunity to show at the Tibbot Center Art Gallery is an invitation to experiment with different media and push the paper itself in new directions.

In the year leading up to Draw and Effect, personal experiences led to research into the complexity of our bodies’ skin, specifically the fascia, a web-like structure of connective tissue that lies just below the epidermis. This foundational layer is out of sight but critical to everything from buttressing our skeletal framework to holding organs in place. Rather than dwelling on human anatomy and systems, Angus explores interconnectedness and the unexpected in these drawings.

In this series there is a conscious effort to go beyond the surface of the paper to locate something suspended within the paper’s fabric. These works began with a subtractive technique by applying acrylic paint and paste onto the paper and then quickly scraping into the surface to define marks and patterns. Following this gestural activation, a time-intensive process of disrupting these patterns with different media leads to a cyclical process of building up marks and pushing them back. These new forms create a network of connections, guiding us deep into the drawing.

Selected Works